
We would like to take a moment...

To express our heartfelt gratitude for choosing Evntwall to create a memorial page for your loved one. It is an honor to have been part of preserving their memory and celebrating their life with your family, friends, and community. We understand that it's been a deeply personal and emotional time, and we are truly humbled by your trust in our platform.

How You Can Help Us Improve

To ensure we continue to provide the best experience for families like yours, we kindly invite you to share your feedback through the form below. Your insights are invaluable to us, but we also understand the sensitive nature of this request. Please know there is no obligation to participate if doing so might cause emotional distress—we want to respect your feelings above all.

If you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, the feedback you provide will help us in the following ways:

  1. Improving the Platform: Your experience can guide us in refining Evntwall to better meet the needs of families and loved ones.
  2. Research and Case Studies: Anonymous feedback may be included in brochures or presentations, helping us demonstrate the platform’s impact to prospective partners, such as funeral homes and insurance providers.
  3. Marketing Materials: Where appropriate, selected testimonials may be used to inspire and inform others about Evntwall’s services. Any content used for marketing will always be treated with the utmost respect and sensitivity.

We Value Your Voice

If you are ready to share your thoughts, we kindly ask that you complete the feedback and testimonial form below. Your feedback can be as detailed or brief as you feel comfortable with.

Thank you once again for allowing us to serve you during such an important moment. Your input will help us continue to honor and support families through their journeys of remembrance.

Customer Testimonial